Deniliquin High School

Respect, Responsibility, Co-operation

Telephone03 5881 1211

PDHPE Scope & Sequence


·         Uniform :  students need to bring their PE uniform for practical lessons. If a student cannot bring their correct PE gear, they should bring alternative clothing suitable for physical activity along with a note explaining the circumstances.

·         Participation:  students are expected to participate in all practical lessons. If they cannot take part due to illness or injury, they should provide a note explaining the circumstances to their teacher prior to the start of the lessons. Non participants will be given theory work to complete.

·         Submission of Assessment Tasks:  In most instances, students will be given ample opportunity during class time to complete assessable tasks. It is preferred that tasks be submitted in hard copy. While email addresses of staff will be provided, these should only be used in the event of illness or absence. Students who submit tasks electronically are responsible for ensuring that the task was received. Students who do not submit tasks will be detained after class until such time as a reasonable attempt is submitted. Marks will be deducted for tasks that are submitted after the due date.



By the very nature of the subject, many topics studied or discussed during PDHPE lessons will be of a sensitive nature. PDHPE staff will endeavour to deal with these things in a factual, non-judgemental and caring and supportive manner. However, if you as a parent are aware that your child may experience anxiety or become emotional when discussing these issues please contact the Head Teacher so that strategies can be discussed and the classroom teacher informed.