Deniliquin High School

Respect, Responsibility, Co-operation

Telephone03 5881 1211

Canteen Committee

Canteen is a really great way to stay in contact with the School, and we are always looking for volunteers.

We would like to thank all the volunteers who help us once a month. We have a willing group of parents, and others who are interested in the students at the school, giving us their time regularly.

There is a Committee of hard workers, who actively coordinate fundraising throughout the year with all profits going to the school.

Lisa and Sharleen are here every day, you can contact the canteen on 58812125, we hope to hear from you.

Deniliquin High School Canteen

Wellington Street

PO Box 544

Deniliquin 2710

Supervisor – Lisa Connell

Assistant – Sharleen Ball


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